Brandy butter (to serve with traditional Christmas pudding)
This recipe makes quite a lot, but it’s addictive stuff, so you won’t regret making a full mixture. In my opinion, this is best made and used straight away while still creamy and luscious, as it’s just not the same once it has set.
250gm butter, soft
200gm icing sugar, sifted
75gm brandy (warmed slightly – see tip)
- Beat butter and icing sugar very well until light and creamy.
- Add brandy, a little at a time, while beating continuously until amalgamated.
- Serve dolloped over wedges of Christmas pudding, so that it melts into the pudding.
Tip: Heat brandy a little if necessary to help it amalgamate – microwave for just a short time to reach luke warm temperature – don’t let it get too hot or it will split the whole mixture.